When Randy Browning noticed child hunger around his Browning Moving & Storage Company, he didn’t hesitate to jump right in! A few years later, he formed kidsPACK, Inc. to combat this local issue and even gave the new non-profit room in his Warehouse.
Eleven years later, Browning Moving & Storage and kidsPACK still share a special bond. Located right off interstate 4 and Galloway, the location is perfect for a non-profit that feeds children over the weekend. Trucks, cars, box trucks and Semi-Trucks are all compatible with the space to drop off food and/or pickup food and the Warehouse space allows kidsPACK to store food and supplies for the over 3,000 students we feed weekly.
Giving kidsPACK a home isn’t the only support Browning Moving & Storage provides to kidsPACK. kidsPACK receives annual employee contributions to sponsor kids, they help pack kidsPACK when we our inventory is low, they backup our driver, help unload and load trucks, partnering with us to recycling boxes, forklift work and that’s just with the warehouse employees! Browning Moving & Storage also sits on our Gone Country for kidsPACK annual event committee, invites our 4 staff members to all Holiday events and brings in their clients to learn more about kidsPACK.