Annual Fundraiser for kidsPACK to help our homeless and/or insecure food students throughout

Polk and Hillsborough Counties, Florida.


Our 11th Gone Country is on February 17, 2024!


White Horse Ranch 6:00pm-10:00pm

Join kidsPACK for a night of Fun and Help Us




Email Amy for more information at [email protected]

Presenting Sponsor

Entertainment Sponsor

Food & Drink Sponsorship​

Magnate Sponsor


16 guest tickets,

1 promotional recognition, dinner, drinks and a lot of fun!


Tycoon Sponsor


8 guest tickets,

Shared promotional recognition, dinner, drinks and a lot of fun!

Baron Sponsor


4 guest tickets,

Dinner, drinks and a lot of fun!

In-Kind Sponsor

Our Mission

kidsPACK is a non-profit organization supported by community leaders, corporate sponsors and volunteers dedicated to feeding disadvantaged children; giving them a backpack of nutritious food each Friday to sustain them on weekends when they don’t have access to subsidized school meals.

There are over


hungry homeless
students in the
state of Florida